

Glype proxy script is a free-to-use, web-based proxy script written in. It is open source, but it is NOT released as GPL or a similar license. Its license requires: either keeping the back link or getting a (paid) license. Glype script has become very popular after PHProxy project ceased. Glype is similar to PHProxy, but there is one fundamental difference: Glype uses curl to retrieve web pages. In addition, compared to PHProxy, Glype has more caching controls. On May 7, 2010, Baron Munchausen, the administrator of Proxy.org announced that he acquired Glype. (source: http://forums.glype.com/news-updates/1286-baron-acquires-glype.html and http://proxy.org/forum/1273292889.html) The official website of Glype is: http://www.glype.com. A live example of Glype is UtopianPal.com. Some tutorials for Glype: How To Install and Configure Glype Proxy Script. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV6TQk3C2c4  


PHProxy (PHP proxy script) was a very popular proxy script before the author,Abdullah Arif, discontinued the project and relinquish all rights (as well as responsibilities) on September 7, 2007. The script is very similar to CGIProxy script. Actually the author also mentioned that the project was inspired by CGIProxy project. However, because PHProxy was written in PHP, compared with CGIProxy, PHProxy is generally easier to install for most webmasters. The last release (version 0.5b2) of this script was on January 27, 2007 under GPL license. The script is available for download in sourceforge. A copy of the last version (0.52b2) can also be found on TheProxyGuide (click to download). A demo of PHProxy script is available at: phproxy.goyap.net Usually PHProxy does not need complicate templates and most webmasters just change the color schemes. A typical proxy sites powered by PHProxy is TheProxyFree.com, which uses the default template with slight modifications. Once of the largest collection of PHProxy (PHP proxy ) script powered websites can be found at:UnRestrictedSurf. Tutorials on PHProxy: 1. How to install PHProxy ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOwVrm6T0zI  ) 2. PHProxy (PHP proxy) tips and tricks: insert ad code and customization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOwVrm6T0zI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lsaAnr5GFk  


Zelune is another proxy script written in PHP. Its history is quite long; but it has not widely used, partially due to its unclear license terms. It is free, but the license terms was never clearly stated in the download page or with in the script. Also, there are two confusing variations: zelune.com and zelune.net. Now a new member, Phphantom scripts (which was released under GPL), was added to this family in 2008. The website claims that Phphantom scripts will merge with Zelune script; but it seems it is not available at this time yet.