
Top 5 Adsense rules for free web proxy webmasters

It is important to go through the guidelines of Adsense before you place ads on your site. Most free web proxy webmasters may just skip the reading. If you do not follow the rules set by Google, the consequence can be severe: your account is terminated and you are banned from Adsense. It does not need a rocket scientist to understand the Adsense guidelines, but sometimes some webmasters may get confused, and interpret them wrongly. So, I summarize the common mistakes made by free web proxy webmasters on Google Adsense placement. You need follow these five rules to keep your Adsense account safe.

Tutorial 5: PHProxy Tips and Tricks–Insert Ad Code and Customization

This is part II of TheProxyGuide tutorials on PHProxy (PHP proxy) script. In this tutorial, we will show you how to insert advertisement code and how to customize the address form. PHProxy script (PHP proxy) is one of the best proxy scripts and is used by many sites, although the development has stopped. The demo site of PHProxy is setup at: http://theproxyfree.com. In this tutorial, you need change two files: index.php and index.inc.php

How to make money from your proxy site (Part I)

Most of proxy webmasters are losing money, and eventually out of business. This is the reality. This article introduces you on how to generate revenue to run your proxy successfully. In Part II, some revenue sources will be reviewed and in Part III, a few real cases will be analyzed.